by | | Orlando Property Management
Veteran landlords agree: Quality tenants are the key to long-term profitability. Many a landlord has taken it on the chin when they cut a questionable applicant some slack against their better judgment–or when they fail to notice red flags that a little digging | | Orlando Property Management
Even when your communities are 100% occupied, as a property manager, you’re always looking for quality tenants. While it’s a challenge to attract tenants any time, finding those tenants and leasing apartments or homes in the first quarter of the year can | | Orlando Property Management
If you’re thinking of using a property rental service for your rental or apartment for rent, there are some key features you should look for before making a commitment. You’ll want the best possible service while also earning maximum profits for | | Orlando Property Management
Virtually every month I meet or hear of a rental income property owner who wants to expand their portfolio. They’re searching throughout the 50 states for deals that make sense to them. Of course finding a lucrative “cap rate” is a challenge in today’s world. | | Orlando Property Management
Brooklyn’s new luxury apartments battle for renters; NH property managers drop security deposit requirement; Extensive storage becoming a new amenity to suit minimalists; Choosing between smoke detectors ; And, Chicago’s apartment construction boom slows | | Orlando Property Management
You hear stories about them–and maybe you’ve been lucky enough to never experience them–but bed bugs are still a constant risk to property management. “In 2015, the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) conducted a survey of pest management professionals
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