Just a few weeks ago Punxsutawney Phil predicted six more weeks of winter; it’s no secret that some parts of the U.S. are currently experiencing record warm temperatures. In the Southwest, grass is already starting to appear, and bushes beginning to bloom. And though a lowly rodent’s prediction may end up being accurate, it’s never too early to start preparing for spring, no matter where your properties are located or what a groundhog says.

Here’s a quick list of things you can begin today, no matter what the temperature is outside:

· Check out your HVAC units. Nobody wants to find out that the units don’t work on the first 80 degree day of the year. Don’t assume that because they worked the last time they were used that the same holds true months later. Doing this now will also ensure that there is plenty of time to have them repaired and up and running before that heat wave hits.
· Get up on a ladder and look at the roof and the gutters. This is particularly important if your region has seen a great deal of rain and/or snow this winter. Again, being pro-active can really pay off, particularly in repairing roofs prior to the spring rainy season. And while you’re up there, make sure that gutters are clean as well.
· Prepare your open areas for spring landscaping by cleaning up debris left from the winter, such as dead and fallen branches and dead leaves. You’ll also want to take a look at your current landscape and arrange to have bushes and trees trimmed prior to any spring planting being done.
· Create an inventory of any work that needs to be completed, and get bids from area contractors, so you’ll be ready to go once spring arrives.
· Inspect roads, parking lots, and driveways for damages and make arrangements to repair any cracks or holes before spring arrives. This is particularly important for areas that are prone to snow, as salt and sand can accelerate road damage.
· Create a spring cleaning event for your properties, encouraging residents to participate in the clean-up effort by getting rid of their old stuff. Later in the spring, you can also hold a community garage sale, where residents can sell their belongings.

Seasoned property managers know that there’s a lot of work that needs to be completed prior to the arrival of spring, but there’s no reason that you can’t get started on some of that today.

Source: Feedburner

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